• Radon Induced Lung Cancer Kills over 20,000 Americans Each Year.
  • Radon is the leading cause of Lung Cancer for non-smokers.
  • Radon has been discovered in every state.
  • Radon levels differ door to door even if levels are low in your closest neighbor home

Radon Gas:

Radon gas is created when uranium in the soil decays. The gas then seeps through any access point into a building. Common entry points are through the crawl space, cracks in the foundation, poorly sealed pipes, and any other gap in the structure where ground gases can enter. Radon gas is the leading cause of lung cancer in non smokers and greatly increases the chance of lung cancer in smokers.

Radon in your home can be a significant issue. Home buyers/sellers should be aware of the radon risk in our area and determine whether a radon test is desirable when buying or selling a home or to assess their current home.


Radon has been found in homes in all 50 states. Certain areas are more susceptible than others, but no location is immune. Concentrations of radon-causing materials in the soil can be either natural or man-made. The only way to tell for sure is to have the property tested.

Testing is The Only Way to Know

Since you can’t see, smell or taste radon, testing is the only way to find out if you have a radon problem. When testing for a real estate transaction, it is recommended a qualified (certified) tester be used.

Testing for Radon in Real Estate Transactions:

It is recommended that a radon test be completed by a certified radon tester especially if the test is being done as part of a real estate transaction. A certified radon tester knows the proper conditions, test devices, and guidelines to obtain reliable radon tests and will follow U.S. EPA protocols. He or she will evaluate the home and recommend the best approach for reliable results.

In addition,  a certified tester will explain proper testing conditions, and the necessity of cooperation of occupants during testing. The tester will analyze and report results. By using an independent third party tester,  results will be provided by someone not involved in the real estate transaction.

For purposes of real estate transactions, radon professionals often utilize continuous radon monitors (CRM’s) to determine the radon levels in a home. These test devices are placed in a building for a minimum of 48 hours.

Proper testing is dependent on correct placement and conditions within the home during the test. “Closed-house conditions” are very important! The windows and doors must be kept closed (except for normal door entry and exit) a minimum of 12 hours before and during the entire time of testing.

In the case of real estate transactions, the test device must be placed in the lowest area of a home that is “suitable for occupancy.”  Crawl spaces are not appropriate test locations.  Areas in the home with high humidity levels and increased ventilation are also not good locations (such as bathrooms and kitchens).  Do not test in a closet, stairway, hallway or crawl space.

A test device must be placed at least 20 inches above the floor, in a location where it will not be disturbed.